About Us

Whiskey Intuition offers tasteful goods for particular people.

The company was started by Jon Hatton back in 2019, who brings in years of experience in hand crafting the kind of unique items that make you say “that’s cool.”

We’re based in Central Arkansas, but please don’t hold that against us!

All of our barware, glassware, and home decor goods are handcrafted so that no two are exactly alike. They’re made to last, because once you find something you really like, you want to keep it for a while.

We love a good strong drink, and believe that it should be served in a glass that shares our personality with everyone else. We’re not for everyone, and that’s ok. We’re for those who happen to share our unique and original style.

We’re not cool, but our stuff is, and it makes us feel cool.

So if you’re looking for the hard to shop for, take a look around. We think you’ll like what you see.

Or you won’t. That’s fine too.

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